Celebrating Summer

The June solstice marks the beginning of summer. June 21st is the first day of summer and the day on which the Northern Hemisphere experiences the longest period of daylight. What a welcome relief it will be to bask in the warm sunshine after what has been a long, damp spring. Summer is finally here and along with all the trappings of summer comes summer reading! As you may be aware from my prior blog, Under the Boardwalk , I do not like the term beach reads with its connotations of poorly written books with one dimensional characters and contrived plot lines. Of course, I do not want you, or me, to spend our summer poring over literary tomes. But, rather than reading mere fluff, I prefer reading, and recommending, entertaining books that are well-written. With that in mind, here are some summer-themed books that you will breeze through and enjoy thoroughly! Library Journal hails Hilma Wolitzer ’s Summer Reading as "thinking reader’s beach book." I coul...