Nobel Prize in Literature in Controversy for 2nd Straight Year
For the last two years there has been some extra drama regarding the Nobel Prizes in Literature. The Prize was not awarded in 2018 (actually as we will see it was “postponed”) due to a slew of scandals and resignations from the committee that decides the winners and other key members of the Nobel organization. The main head-lining scandal involved Jean-Claude Arnault, a French photographer and the husband of Katarina Frostenson, a committee member. He was hit with charges of sexual assault of 11 women (he was found guilty of just one of these charges). The internal investigation by the Nobel Prize organization found that Arnault committed assaults on property owned by the organization and asked Frostenson to withdraw from the work of the committee. The Academy was also facing conflict of interest accusations and was seeking to locate the source of leaks revealing the names of prizewinners in advance. The turmoil eventually led to a slew of withdrawals, including that of Ms. Frostenso...