Some (Short) Horror Stories to While Away a Terrifying Halloween Night

Many people have their own special traditions for Halloween night, like taking their kids trick or treating, going to Halloween parties, or watching a horror movie marathon. One of my traditions is to read at least one new scary short story. Even if you have other things to do, reading a truly well-crafted short horror story can get you in the Halloween mood like nothing else. I’ve always thought that the short story is a better literary medium for horror than the novel because, being short and compact, they can be more viscerally scary. In just a few pages drawing you in and leading you into a shocking revelation or a terrifying twist ending. I want to keep it short for this post so I’m sharing just a few selected recommendations for Halloween short stories, both classic and new, that you can read on Halloween night for a terrifying thrill. I’ll start with Edgar Allen Poe, who is of course well-known as the nineteenth-century American master of short horror stories. If you’ve neve...