What Did You Give For The Holidays?

How was your gift-giving season? Did family and friends enjoy the socks, iPods, gift cards, and fruitcakes?

Or, did you turn over a new leaf after reading Scroogenomics: why you shouldn't buy presents for the holidays by economist Joel Waldfogel and tamp down on spending? In just over 180 pages, Waldfogel describes the giving season as the Perfect Storm that annually slams into America consuming billions of dollars. Scroogenomics wants us to see reason and think not twice, but thrice, even thrice times twice before we join the 85 billion dollar national spendfest orgy.

According to Scroogenomics we make too many uninformed holiday purchases, max out our credit cards to buy gifts worth less to the receiver than what we actually spend, and everyone ends up less satisfied than you might think.

But wait? Isn’t it too late? The presents have been wrapped, ripped open, and in many cases already returned . Perhaps you might check out Scroogenomics and be ready for Holiday Season 2010. Meanwhile, how was your gift giving?


  1. With the everyone watching the dollar, the library is a great resource not only for gift giving, but giving the gift of reading and entertainment to yourself. Forget the $20 to see a movie, rent a DVD from the library for free. There was a great article in the Ewing Observer about the benefits and increase in usage of the library. Check out my websites on Ewing for more information about living with Ewing.


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