October 17 to October 23 is Teen Read Week!

During Teen Read Week libraries around the country promote reading and books for teens. This year's theme is “Books with Beat" celebrating books about music, about making your own music, And about poetry. Some of our branches are even marking this week with special events: At Ewing Bring in your MP3 players or iPods, and share your playlist! From your list, we will create poetry, and set it to music, Monday the 17th until Thursday the 22nd at 5 p.m. Light refreshments! Sponsored by the Friends of the Library! Teens read to preschoolers, October 20th, 4 p.m. Teens will receive one hour of community service At Lawrence Contest!! Teens can write a paragraph, a blog entry, a poem, or create a piece of artwork about any book of poetry or book about music (fiction or nonfiction). Entries should be submitted to a youth librarian with name, age, and phone # any time during the week of 10/17 – 10/23. Winners will be chosen at random and will be able to choose a grab-bag prize....