Welcome to Spring!

Everything Spring / Esbaum, Jill.
See, hear, and feel the warmth of springtime by reading and learning all about chicks, bunnies, and the other baby animals that come out to play in springtime.
Are You Ready for Spring? / Anderson, Sheila.
Rubber boots make a sound as they splash in mud puddles. Birds work in pairs to build nests. Dark rain clouds move in. Do you know what season it is? It is spring!
Spring Surprises / Hays, Anna Jane.
A rhyming tribute to the wonders brought by spring.

Spring begins on March 20th, when day and night have equal hours. All over the world this Spring Equinox is a time to celebrate the rebirth of earth, when winter comes to an end and growing season begins again. For thousands of years, people in many countries and cultures have celebrated the new beginning with diverse holidays.
Here are some Springtime Festival Books:
The Little Red Hen and the Passover Matzah / Kimmelman, Leslie.
No one will help the Little Red Hen make the Passover matzah, but they all want to help her eat it.
Hoppy Passover! / Glaser, Linda.
Bouncy young bunnies Violet and Simon are celebrating Passover with their parents and grandparents. They help prepare the food and the table and participate gleefully in the Seder. Family members each choose what they love best about the holiday, wrapping up with Grandma's declaration that Violet and Simon are her favorite part of it. The adults introduce the traditional foods and customs with simple explanations appropriate for the target audience.
A New Beginning: Celebrating the Spring Equinox / Pfeffer, Wendy.
The spring equinox signals the time of year when the days are getting longer, the growing season has begun, and animals give birth to their young. With accessible, lyrical prose and vibrant illustrations, this book explains the science behind spring and shows how the annual “rebirth” of Earth has been celebrated by various cultures throughout the ages and the world.
Long-Long's New Year: A Story about the Chinese Spring Festival / Catherine Gower.
Long-Long and Grandpa bicycle to town to make money to celebrate the Spring Festival. As Grandpa unsuccessfully tries to sell his goods, the boy takes the bike to a shop for repairs. While he waits, Long-Long helps the repairman pump tires and earns a yuan for his efforts. He also leads a street cook to Grandpa's cabbages and soon the vegetables are all sold. After buying provisions for the festival, Long-Long purchases small gifts for his family, watches a holiday procession, and enjoys a toffee fruit treat, and the two return home just in time to celebrate.
Celebrating Holi: A Hindu Celebration of Spring / Menon, Sujatha.
Holi or Phagwah, the festival of colors, celebrated at the end of the winter season on the last full moon of the lunar month Falgun (February/March).
Noodles the dog goes on an early-morning Easter egg hunt without his best friend, Teddy.
Here is a great spring craft to make:
Make a bouquet of delicate eggshell tulips for Easter, using eggshells (or foam egg cartons sections) and pipe cleaners.
Supplies needed:
- Eggshells (or foam egg cartons sections)
- Green pipe cleaners
- Tempera paint and markers
- Hot glue or white glue
Clean eggshell halves and dry them gently. Or, for an easier craft with more durable flowers, use foam egg carton sections. Cut the cartons sections to look like a tulip.
Using tempera paint, decorate the shells to look like tulips. Let the paint dry overnight. When the paint is completely dry, add details to the tulips using markers.
Twirl one end of a green pipe cleaner into a spiral shape (this will be glued onto the base of the tulip).
Glue the spiral to the tulip (if using white glue, let it set for a few hours).
Craft Books:
Crafts to Make in the Spring/ Kathy Ross
Presents twenty-nine easy-to-make craft projects with springtime themes, including cotton swab pussy willows, a robin redbreast door hanging, and an Easter bunny egg holder.
Exploring Nature around the Year: Spring / Webster, David.
A collection of activities and projects exploring nature in the spring.
Projects for Spring & Holiday Activities / McInnes, Celia.
Presents arts and crafts projects, recipes, games, and activities associated with the spring season.
Happy Spring!
- Ms Chetna Kukreja
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