On March 11 2011, a powerful earthquake hit the Pacific edge of Japan triggering a deadly Tsunami that brought death and destruction to Japan’s eastern coastland. It critically damaged the nuclear power plant located in Fukushima, bringing with it the threat of a serious nuclear crisis that may haunt the country for years to come. The disaster raises a myriad questions about Japan, its resources and people, about earthquakes, tsunamis and natural disasters as well as the all important question about the future of nuclear energy as a source of power in the 21st century. How will the devastation unleashed by this earthquake and tsunami impact the Japanese economy and its people, and what will it take for them to recover from this catastrophe? What caused this massive earthquake that measured 9.0 on the Richter scale? Can natural disasters such as these be predicted with any certainty? The Mercer County Library has a range of books that would help you explore some of the answers to these questions.
A Modern History of Japan: From Tokugawa Times to the Present by Andrew Gordon The author, a leading historian and professor at Harvard University gives readers a panoramic glimpse into two centuries of Japan’s rich political, economic and social history dating back from the Tokugawa regime through the Samurai revolution and the two World Wars to the more recent times. Not only does Gordon narrate the story of the remarkable transformation of Japan to an “Asian Powerhouse” in its entirety, he does so with a deep insight and understanding of Japanese culture and social traditions, closely analyzing the Japanese experience in the context of its interaction and interrelationship with the rest of the world as well as the gradual integration of Japan into the larger global economy in the postwar era.
The Japanese Today: Change and Continuity by Edwin Reischauer and Marius Jansen Edwin Reischauer who grew up in Japan and later served as U.S. Ambassador to Japan, writes an in depth account of Japan focusing on different aspects of Japan’s economic, political and social structure that make it such a resilient nation. Founding his analysis on two thousand years of history as well as changes in contemporary Japan, Reischauer gives readers a unique perspective on the people of Japan, the social, religious and education systems, as well as Japan’s distinct geography and natural resources that all interact to give the country its unique character that have helped transform it from a struggling prewar economy into one of the strongest manufacturing nations in the world. A detailed section also analyzes the structure of the government and its changes over time especially in the context of larger world events.
Earthquakes and Tsunamis
Furnace of Creation Cradle of Destruction: A Journey to the Birthplace of Earthquakes, Volcanoes and Tsunamis by Roy Chester An outstanding scientist and writer, Chester provides readers with a fascinating book that helps unravel some of the mysteries behind the occurrence of earthquakes, volcanoes and tsunamis. Chester traces the origins and evolution of the earth from earliest times to help readers understand how the surface of the earth was created. Using laymen terms, the author provides a lucid explanation of the theory of plate tectonics. He explains how the surface of the earth is built up of different plates that could shift and move at different times resulting in earthquakes on the land situated above them. The island of Japan is especially prone to earthquakes because it happens to be located over four tectonic plates.
Mega Disasters: The Science of Predicting the Next Catastrophe by Florin Diacu The author, a Professor of Mathematics at the University of Victoria in Canada devotes this book to exploring the important question of whether we can develop reliable methods and mathematical models to predict earthquakes, tsunamis and other disasters thereby averting the devastation and toll on human lives that such disasters inevitably take. The book analyzes the research done in the area of forecasting earthquakes and tsunamis. The use of numerical methods of modeling and the development of the satellite enabled global positioning system that can precisely identify the position of the earth’s tectonic plates could lead to dramatic advances in our capability to forecast and prepare for disasters such as Japan’s deadly earthquake of March 2011.
Nuclear Energy
Atomic Awakening: A New Look at the History and Future of Nuclear Power by James Mahaffey The author, a physicist and nuclear scientist gives a compelling account of the history of nuclear power and explains complex subject material in terms that makes the book easy to understand and very readable. He traces developments in the industry dating back from the discovery of radioactivity in the 1800s to the growth of nuclear power as a viable alternate fuel source. The important question that faces the world today is to determine what role nuclear energy should play at a time when renewable energy and global warming are becoming increasingly important concerns. Mahaffey discusses the critical issue of disposing spent fuel - a byproduct of nuclear reactors, which is a problem that lies at the heart of the nuclear energy debate. He also explores the economics of various energy sources and the implications on environment and sustainability. Mahaffey provides an interesting narrative of events in 1979 which resulted in the meltdown in the Three Mile Island nuclear plant in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. The book will help readers understand the complexities inherent in the operation of nuclear plants and the technical challenges the Japanese are facing in addressing the extreme non equilibrium situation in the Fukushima plant.
- Nita Mathur
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