From Farm to Table @ Your Library

This month, my book club decided to branch out and read a non-fiction title. One member suggested Animal, Vegetable, Miracle: A Year of Food Life by Barbara Kingsolver, and we all dove in. In a nutshell, the book details the challenge Kingsolver and her family took: to consume only locally produced foods for one entire year. In fact, a lot of what they consumed was actually produced by themselves on their newly occupied farm in rural Appalachia. Sounds like quite the challenge, right? Throughout the book, Kingsolver's husband, Steven Hopp (an environmental studies professor), provides sidebars, which he describes as "fifty-cent buckets of a dollar's worth of goods." It was one of Hopp's sidebars, "Oily Food," which made me especially aware of my (and my family's) part in sustainability. "Oily Food" outlines the huge amount of fossil fuels a majority of us consume due to the amount of traveling required to get food from the farm to you...