Storyteller: Bard or Fibber?

There is an Indian Proverb which says “Tell me a fact, and I’ll learn.  Tell me a truth and I’ll believe, but tell me a story and it will live in my heart forever.”

Storytelling has been shaping, defining and preserving cultures and tradition since the dawn of civilization.  It is an ancient oral art linking one era to another, one event to another and one tradition to another.  It is believed that even early cave paintings were a form of storytelling.  Even with the advent of the written word storytelling was invaluable in educating the masses who could neither read nor write.

With the rise of storytelling devices, storytelling is changing.  Traditional storytelling is being replaced by the internet, radio and other new forms of media.  Traditional oral storytelling can still be enjoyed at festivals, conferences and powwows throughout the United States, Canada and Europe where storytelling is promoted.

Storytelling will never die out.  Stories that are shared around the kitchen table or the tales told moments before a child’s sleep are our ancestors, our cultures, our religions and our identity.  We are all natural born storytellers imbibing our experiences with fact and fancy.  If you have a story to tell about Grandma, the war, your wedding or you just have an inkling to hear some really fine stories, contact the Garden State’s Storytellers League.  To learn more about storytelling organizations in your area or local storytelling festivals contact the National Storytelling Membership Association or the National Storyteller’s League.

                   Bard or Fibber?  You tell me.
                   Books on the Art of Storytelling:
                   Lipman, Doug  Improving Your Storytelling
                   Simmons, Annette  The Story Factor

-Nancy Demme
