Get Crafty with Mother Nature

With the oppressive heat of summer behind us, autumn is a great time to enjoy the cooler weather and take a nature walk with your child. During your walk be sure to gather leaves, acorns, and other natural materials to make a Nature Walk Wreath (Craft adapted from:

You will need:

Leaves, acorns, and sticks collected from your nature walk
One paper plate
String or ribbon
Hole puncher
Crayons or markers

1. Cut out center of paper plate and punch a hole in the top.

2. Thread string or ribbon through the hole and tie. Color the paper plate as desired.

3. Glue on leaves, acorns, and other materials collected from your nature walk.

While your Nature Walk Wreath is drying, snuggle up with your child and read one of these great books about autumn:


- Miss Liz
