Finding eBooks in the Catalog

MCLS recently added eResource Central from SirsiDynix to our catalog.  This software allows us to automatically import information from eBook and digital audio databases directly into the catalog, along with real-time availability information, which will make it easier for you to search all of the library’s print and digital holdings from one catalog.  If you prefer to search eLibraryNJ directly, you may still do so, as this is meant as a catalog enhancement and not a replacement for eLibraryNJ.

When you do a search in the catalog, two new formats will appear in the facets box on the left, eAudiobook and eBook.  You can select these as you would any other format to either narrow or exclude them from your results list.

In the results display list on the right, titles in the two formats will appear the same way as any other item in our collection, but they will not show a branch location.  Below, the top entry is for the eBook (has a down arrow icon) and the bottom entry is the digital audio (has a headset icon) version of John Grisham’s Bleachers.  A new line, Electronic Format, lists the file types that are available for each title.  For eBooks, you will see Kindle, Adobe ePub, PDF or HTML listed so you can tell if the title will work on your eReader.  Digital audiobooks are available in WMA or MP3 format.

The green buttons to the right of the title function the same way as they would for one of our physical titles, making it a more seamless process to find and reserve digital content.  Clicking on the preview button will bring up a pop-up box asking which file type you wish to preview.  After selecting a type, the preview will display in the pop-up.  Closing the preview returns you to the catalog results list.

The bottom button will change, depending on the title’s availability.  If copies are available, you will see that number in the same location as it appears for physical library items, under the title.  If there is a copy available, the download button will be displayed.  If no copies are available, a Place Hold button will be displayed.  Clicking either button takes you to eLibraryNJ to complete the download or hold.

The detail display is also the same for the electronic formats as it is for physical media, with the exception of the branch copy information.  There is a full record for each title and, for most, a summary and reviews.  The eBooks also tend to have excerpts and a link to the Google Preview, which brings up a preview within the record that can be searched or browsed using the controls in the upper right-hand corner (in red circle, below) or by scrolling down in the pop-up screen.

Finally, you will notice Digital Catalog now appears in the drop-down in the format box (the one that defaults to Everything).  Using this will limit the search results to our digital collections. 

- Laura N.
