Spring Flower Bouquet

Even though our friend the groundhog saw his shadow and we are in for six more weeks of winter, we can get ready for the spring with this cute and easy craft. Enjoy this indoor craft with your child and make some coffee filter blooms to decorate your home.

What You Need:

What You Need

Coffee filters
Pipe cleaners (I used green for the stems, but feel free to choose any colors you and your child want!)
Washable markers
Paint brush
Small cup of water.

What You Do:

Flatten the coffee filters and color on them with the washable markers.

Flatten the coffee filters and color on them with the washable markers
 Dip paint brush in water and paint over the coffee filters, watching the colors “run.”

Dip paint brush in water and paint over the coffee filters, watching the colors “run.”
Let coffee filters dry.

Once dry, pinch the middle of the coffee filter and turn it clockwise to “wind up” the coffee filter.

While still holding the coffee filter, wrap the top of the pipe cleaner around the pinched filter to attach the stem.

Display and enjoy!
Display and enjoy!

Enjoy some spring-related tales while you’re waiting out the rest of the winter:

ISBN: 9780670879618

Liz Hughes
