Attention All Animal Lovers

Have you ever needed a book for a preschooler about a certain animal? It might be for a library story time, a classroom theme, or to read one-on-one. Sometimes a parent may want a book for their young child who is recently fascinated with a certain animal. This list is designed to help you quickly identify a variety of new picture books, fiction and non-fiction, that focus on specific animals. I have included a few older popular titles.

Here are a few tips to help you locate these books in the library:

The fiction picture books have a call number such as “E” (for easy), and the first three letters of the author's last name. For example, the title The Cat in the Hat by Dr. Seuss would have the call number E SEU. For a non-fiction book, the call number is arranged according to the Dewey decimal system and is followed by the first three letters of the author’s name, or the book title. For example, an easy non-fiction book about hens by Robin Page would have the call number E 591.5 PAG. You will find titles by other authors about hens under the same call number, E 591.5 or J 591.5. An Easy Reader has a call number of ER followed by the first three letters of the author’s last name. The Easy Reader Harry Takes a Bath by Harriet Ziefert would have the call number ER ZIE.

All of these books can be found in the Mercer County Library System. Please ask a librarian for help if you have trouble finding them.

The Bear Ate Your Sandwich by Julia Sarcone-Roach, 2015, E SAR

Bear and Squirrel are Friends by Deb Pilutti, 2015, E PIL

Bear Counts by Karma Wilson, 2015, E WIL

The Wild Life of Bears by Camilla De la Bedoyere, 2015, E 599.7 DEL

There is a Bird on Your Head by Mo Willems, 2007, E WIL
Woodpecker Wham! by April Pulley Sayre, 2015, E SAY

A Bird is a Bird by Lizzy Rockwell, 2015, E 598 ROC

There is a Bird on Your Head by Mo Willems, 2007, E WIL

The Robot and the Bluebird by David Lucas, 2008, E LUC

Kids Top 10 Pet Cats by Dana Meachen Rau, 2015, J 636.8 RAU
Miss Hazeltine’s Home for Shy and Fearful Cats by Alicia Potter 2015 E POT

How to Catch a Mouse by Philippa Leathers, 2015, E LEA

Bernice Gets Carried Away by Hannah E. Harrison, 2015, E HAR

Kids Top 10 Pet Cats by Dana Meachen Rau, 2015, J 636.8 RAU

Hens for Friends by Sandy De Lisle, 2015, E DEL
Hens for Friends by Sandy De Lisle, 2015, E DEL

A Chicken Followed Me Home by Robin Page, 2015, E 636.5 PAG

P. Zonka Lays an Egg by Julie Paschkis, 2015, E PAS

Chickens to the Rescue by John Himmelman, 2006, E HIM

The Baby Swap by Jan Ormerod, 2015, E ORM

Crocodiles by Therese Shea, 2015, J 597.98 SHE

Where’s Your Smile Crocodile by Claire Freedman, 2001, E FRE

I’m the Scariest Thing in the Jungle! By David G. Derrick, Jr., 2013, E DER

Who Wants Broccoli? by Val Jones, 2015, E JON
Kids Top Ten Pet Dogs by Ann Gaines, 2015, J 636.7 GAI

Sniff! Sniff! by Ryan Sias, 2015, E SIA

How To Be a Dog by Jo Williamson, 2015, E WIL

Who Wants Broccoli? by Val Jones, 2015, E JON

Always Twins by Teri Weidner, 2015, E WEI

Duck’s Vacation by Gilad Soffer, 2015, E SOF

Duddle Puck: The Puddle Duck by Karma Wilson, 2015, E WIL

Duck by Katie Dicker, 2014, E 636.5 DIC

3,2,1, Go by Emily Arnold McCully, 2015, E MCC
3,2,1, Go by Emily Arnold McCully, 2015, E MCC

Elephants are Awesome by Martha E. H. Rustad, 2015, E 599.67 RUS

I Will Take a Nap! by Mo Willems, 2015, E WIL

Get Out of My Bath by Britta Teckentrup, 2015, E TEC

I Don’t Want to be a Frog by Dev Petty, 2015, E PET

Tad and Dad by David Ezra Stein, 2015, E STE

Froggy’s Birthday Wish by Jonathan London, 2015, E LON

Frogs by Seymour Simon, 2015, J 597.8 SIM

Hippos are Huge! by Jonathan London, 2015, E 599.6 LON
That’s What Makes a Hippopotamus Smile! by Sean Taylor, 2014, E TAY

Harry Takes a Bath by Harriet Ziefert, 1987, E ZIE

Hiccupotamus by Steve Smallman, 2015, E SMA

Hippos are Huge! by Jonathan London, 2015, E 599.6 LON

Lions are Awesome by Lisa J. Amstutz, 2015, E 599.75 AMS

Leo the Late Bloomer by Robert Kraus, 1971, E KRA

The Lion and the Mouse by Jerry Pinkney, 2009, E PIN

Lion Rescue: All About Lions and How to Save Them by Daniel Raven-Ellison, J 639.97, BLE

Look Out, Mouse by Steve Bjorkman, 2015, E BJO

Mouse’s First Night at Moonlight School by Simon Puttock, 2014, E PUT

How to Catch a Mouse by Philippa Leathers, 2015, E LEA

Mice by Kari Schuetz, 2014, ER 599.3 SCH

Chimpanzees are Awesome by Megan Cooley Peterson, 2015, E 599.88 PET

The Monkey and the Bee by C. P. Bloom, 2015, E BLO

Monkey and Elephant go Gadding by Carole Lexa Schaefer, 2014, ER SCH

Caps for Sale by Esphyr Slobodkina, 1985, E SLO

Ten Pigs: An Epic Bath Adventure by Derek Anderson, 2015, E AND

Henry’s Stars by David Elliot, 2015, E ELL

Pig is Big on Books by Douglas Florian, 2015, E FLO

Wild Boars and Teacup Pigs by Henry Thatcher, 2014, J 636.4 THA

Wolfie the Bunny by Ame Dyckman, 2015, E DYC

Little White Rabbit by Kevin Henkes 2011 E HEN

Cat & Bunny by Mary Lundquist, 2015, E LUN

Rabbits by Mari C. Schuh, 2015, E 599.3 SCH

Hungry Roscoe by David J. Plant, 2015, E PLA

Raccoons by Mari C. Schuh, 2015, E 599.7 SCH

Ready for Anything by Keiko Kasza, 2009, E KAS

Secret Pizza Party by Adam Rubin, 2013, E RUB

Finders Keepers by Keiko Kasza, 2015, E KAS
Those Darn Squirrels! by Adam Rubin, 2008, E RUB

Finders Keepers by Keiko Kasza, 2015, E KAS

My Cousin Momo by Zachariah O’Hora, 2015, E OHO

Squirrels by Mari C. Schuh, 2015, E 599.3 SCH

The Whale in My Swimming Pool by Joyce Wan 2015 E WAN

A Big Guy Took My Ball by Mo Willems 2013 E WIL

The Snail and the Whale by Julia Donaldson 2004 E DON

Whales by Grace Hansen 2015 E 599.5 HAN

Pitter and Patter by Martha Sullivan 2015 E SUL

Mammals (DK Eyewonder) by Sarah Walker 2015 J 599 WAL

Guess Who’s in the Trees by Camilla De la Bédoyère, 2014 E 591.7 DEL

8: An Animal Alphabet by Elisha Cooper 2015 E COO

-Susan Flacks, West Windsor Branch Library
