DVDs Please

Don’t subscribe to HBO, Cinemax, Showtime, or any of the other fabulous channels that we all hear about? Neither does my family! In fact, we seem to be restricted from many channels that we thought were included in our basic package….but that is a story for another time! We play "catch up" by waiting for the season to come out on DVD and take them out from the library. It is the best way to watch a series - on your schedule, not the networks’! Hit pause and play at your leisure for popcorn and bathroom breaks! Have to pick up the kids? No problem! Just pause and restart it when you are ready! My Recommendations: Crime/Detective Dexter , HomeLand , Breaking Bad , Ray Donovan , iZombie , Criminal Minds , all of the CSI series, and Orange is the New Black , are all great, but my all-time favorite in this category is 24 . 24 is a series starring Kiefer Sutherland as Jack Bauer. He is the head of field ops for the elite CTU (Counter Terrorist Unit). Each episode...