Hamilton! The Man on the $10

“Just like my country
Young, scrappy and hungry”
– "My Shot", Hamilton the Musical

Did you just sing those lines? If so you might be caught up in the craze surrounding Hamilton the Musical.

If you did not sing those lines and are wondering what this craze may be, let me explain.

Hamilton is the new Broadway show that focuses on the rise of Alexander Hamilton, beginning with his arrival in New York from the Caribbean and his first meeting with Aaron Burr, to his role alongside George Washington and his work with the founding of America, and up to his famous duel with Aaron Burr. The music bridges the world of hip-hop and Broadway standards with catchy and informative songs.

You can listen to the soundtrack through hoopla or by checking out the soundtrack from one of our branches.

Lin-Manuel Miranda, the creator of Hamilton, was taking a vacation from working on his first hit, In the Heights, when he picked up Ron Chernow’s Alexander Hamilton. Miranda was impressed and inspired by Hamilton’s life and the work he accomplished. Using the Chernow biography, considered one of the best comprehensive accounts of Hamilton’s life, Miranda spent a few years researching and writing the book, music and lyrics for Hamilton.

If you are part of the fandom, or just want to learn more about the man on the $10 bill, here are some books to get you started:

Alexander Hamilton wrote quite a bit himself:
  • The Federalist Papers
  • Writings
  • Alexander Hamilton; A Biography in His Own Words
  • Alexander Hamilton and the Founding of the Nation
Hamilton Biographies
New Nonfiction
Hamilton - New Nonfiction
Founding Brothers
Historical Fiction
-Amelia R. 
