Dear Tech Guru From On Dangerous Ground

Dear Tech Guru,

My Chrome browser says my passwords on 35 sites have been compromised. Just changing one took forever. Any advice?

Signed: On Dangerous Ground


Hi On Dangerous Ground,

I’m sorry to hear that your passwords have been compromised! This seems to be a common occurrence for many of us online these days. There is no easy way to update your passwords, but this leads me to wonder if you are using the same password for multiple websites. If so, this is considered a safety concern and you should make sure to create a different password for each website for logging in.

A new password for each log in can be a lot to remember, but I suggest coming up with a simple system. When creating a new password, I follow this simple yet effective pattern. I pick a word I associate with the website, a special character, and a four-digit number combination. For example, if I was creating a password for a website where I shop for shoes, I might choose Heels*1212.

Another option is to pick a phrase, a title of a book, movie, song, etc., or a long word and replace some of the letters with numbers and/or special characters. Again, let’s use the example of the shoe website. My altered phrase or long word could be St!13tt0s or 1L0v3Hee!s.

While we cannot stop our data being leaked in a breech, we can protect our online information. Varying your log in for each website is only one step a person can take. The library system has a number of books about preventing identity theft online that will give you further tips on creating secure passwords and other ways you can protect your information.

Books on Identify Theft Prevention

200+ Ways to Protect Your Privacy: Simple Ways to Prevent Hacks and Protect Your Privacy – On and Off Line by Jeni Rogers

"Discover simple strategies for protecting your personal and confidential information on and offline with this essential and easy-to-understand guide."

Swiped: How to Protect Yourself in a World Full of Scammers, Phishers, and Identity Thieves by Adam Levin and Beau Friedlander

"Identity fraud happens to everyone. So what do you do when it's your turn?"

Stopping Identity Theft: 10 Easy Steps to Security by Scott Mitic

"Ten simple steps to safeguarding your bank accounts, online presence, credit record, and more, from the horror and financial damage of identity theft."

MCLS also has access to Password Protection-related articles online through our databases:

Improve Your Password, Alteryx Security Chief Says by Kevin Costelloe from Orange County Business Journal

"The article announces the promotion of Billy Spears to chief information security officer at Alteryx Inc., and mentions his views on password protection; new cybersecurity challenges; and shifting businesses."

How to Create a Hack-Proof Password You Can Actually Remember by Kerri Anne Renzulli from Newsweek Global

"The article focuses on cybersecurity breaches which seems to be occurrence and victims of identity theft and mentions that culprit use passwords, Personal identification numbers (PINs) for online accounts."

Change My Password? AGAIN? By Susan Bradley from Computer world

"The article reports that password should be the last thing you want to rely on as banks and financial organizations often do slow rollouts of authentication software, so you have to settle for a username, and a password."

- by Amelia R., Information Technology Department
