Celebrate 2023 – one month at a time!

As a librarian involved in program and display planning, I sit down regularly with colleagues and go over monthly celebrations and holidays that we want to acknowledge. Many of these celebrations will be extremely familiar to our patrons, as they are culturally important and well-known. As a public library we do our best to highlight major holidays as well as cultural events, such as Black History Month in February and Women’s History Month in March. We also love to promote important celebrations of books and libraries, like Library Card Sign Up Month in September.

However, as we sift through lists of these events, there are always entries for each month of fairly specific, and often amusing, monthly celebrations or recognitions. They always catch my eye, and even though the library can’t officially acknowledge all of them (there are A LOT), I thought I’d share a few of the ones that seem fun and entertaining. So, as 2023 stretches out in front of us, let’s not feel any shortage of reasons to celebrate! Below are one or two events during each month of 2023. I also recommend a book or two, available through the library system, to go with each theme. For the most part, these recommendations are just a small sample of what the library has to offer in terms of books, eBooks, audiobooks, movies, magazines and more. 

Let’s start the celebrations!


International Creativity Month

Okay, I’m cheating a little already with the first one. Mercer County Library is celebrating this one! Check out MCL’s social media accounts to see how our staff is celebrating Creativity Month in January by taking advantage of one of our newest resources – Creativebug. However, Creativity Month can mean anything! Paint, draw, write, dance, play – whatever inspires you creatively and breaks you out of your comfort zone a little in January.

Hot Tea Month

Just ask my children about the importance of “tea time” in my life. They’ve known since they were very young that tea time is a treasured time of my day and that I’ll say “no” to pretty much anything they ask me to do during those 20 mins. And I’m not alone! According to Good Housekeeping, tea is the second most consumed drink in the world (after water). So, sit back, relax and have yourself a nice hot cup of tea!


National Bird feeding Month

Winter is not my favorite. But, I’ll admit that it’s harder for the birds than it is for me! February is right around the hardest time of the year for birds, and so National Bird Feeding Month was established in 1994 to help our feathered friends. Learn the best type of seeds and feeders for the birds in your area and lend a hand this February.


National Nutrition Month

Now that the birds are taken care of, let’s turn the focus on ourselves. National Nutrition Month was founded by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and (you guessed it) reminds us of the importance of eating healthy. Check out one of the MANY cookbooks available at the library and through our virtual resources that provide healthy recipes. 


National Frog Month

There are over 5,000 known species of frogs, and, let’s be honest, they’re all adorable. They’re also a critical part of the food chain. Several other creatures consume them and they consume things like flies and mosquitoes. Anything that eats mosquitoes is a friend of mine! Teach yourself a little something about frogs and the importance of frog conservation this April.

National Humor Month

Author Larry Wilde started National Humor Month in 1976 to highlight how humor can reduce stress and improve our lives. April 1st is April Fool’s Day, inspiring us to start our month off with a good-natured giggle. Do yourself a favor and read a funny book or watch a funny movie through the library’s physical or virtual resources.


Gardening for Wildlife Month

If you celebrated Bird Feeding Month in February, you’ve already started celebrating Gardening for Wildlife Month! And (pardon the self-promotion), if you’d like to learn more about what you can do for your local flora and fauna, check out this past blog post I wrote on just this topic.


National Candy Month

You’re welcome. Here’s an excuse to give yourself a little treat this June. National Candy Month was founded by the National Confectioner’s Association. It’s probably no coincidence that this is not celebrated early in the year when we’re all sticking to our New Year’s Resolutions! Go ahead and celebrate in June by getting yourself a piece of your favorite candy or by sharing a treat with a friend.


National Ice Cream Month

Clearly not the same as National Candy Month, but still an excuse to treat yourself! Designated by Ronald Reagan in 1984, National Ice Cream Month celebrates this cool, sweet confection. According to the International Dairy Foods Association, the average American eats about 2 pounds (4 gallons) of ice cream a year. Let’s make sure we keep up the good work!

World Watercolor Month

Not everyone is an artist, but everyone can enjoy the fun of watercolors. I don’t know where this phrase originated, but for years I have been telling patrons who come to do art projects in the library (both kids and adults) to remember that “it’s the process, not the product.” This month, pick up a set of water color paints and just play with them! Don’t worry about what the finished product looks like – just enjoy the act of painting. Or, visit a museum to appreciate the works of watercolor art done by the professionals!


American Adventures Month

Time to get out and explore America! If you’re feeling extra adventurous, plan a trip this month. Or, just learn about a part of our country that you’ve never visited. Take some time to appreciate the ecological and social diversity across our country. For some inspiration, check out yet another of my past blog post all about our National Parks

Black Business Month

This month reminds us to appreciate and take advantage of the many Black-owned and operated businesses across the country. Minority business owners provide services and contribute to the economy while facing unique challenges. Make an effort to support a local (or not local – yay, internet!) Black-owned business this month.


Shameless Promotion Month

Well, since I’ve already mentioned a couple of my own previous blog posts, I guess I started celebrating this one a little early! You know you have something you can brag about! Promote yourself and your work this month. 

Update Your Resume Month

Keeping your resume up-to-date is always a good idea, whether you’re actively job hunting or not. Did you know you can get resume help from our dedicated library staff and that we offer several career prep and job seeking resources?


Bat Appreciation Month

A few years ago, we found a bat living in our house and let it out the window. Well, a nurse I know told me that we should all go for rabies shots (you can apparently get bitten in your sleep and not even know it!). We spent a couple of weeks back and forth to the emergency room getting uncomfortable shots, but staying healthy. This is not my favorite story about bats. However, I do appreciate any creature that eats the mosquitoes living in my yard! Bats are actually quite interesting and are an important part of our ecosystem. Think about putting a bat house in your yard or just learn a little about these winged creatures this month.

Positive Attitude Month

Celebrating Positive Attitude Month is so incredibly fun! (See what I did there?). There are psychological and even physical advantages to thinking positively. Use some of these resources to change the way you think and reap the benefits. 


National Adoption Month

This one is near and dear to my heart as I have several beloved family members who are adopted. I can’t imagine life without them! This month is to help bring awareness to adoption and adoptive families. 

World Vegan Month

Veganism seems to be becoming more and more popular lately and this month celebrates this plant-based way of life. Whether you fully commit to the lifestyle or not, you can enjoy some of the delicious vegan recipes found in these and other books in our system.


The game of BINGO has been around since the 1500s and is still being enjoyed today. Play a game of BINGO this month to celebrate!

Okay, this last one was a stretch, but let’s be honest, we’re all too busy with the holidays in December anyway!

I hope you enjoyed this year of weird celebrations and it keeps you busy through all of 2023. See you in 2024!

- by Christine, Hollowbrook Branch
