Creating a Work/Life Balance in the New Year
In this fast-paced world in which we are living right now, I often feel as if I never have enough time. There are always tasks to finish and the work continues to pile up with no end in sight. Sometimes I get overwhelmed with all that needs to be done at work as well as at home. Creating a work and home life balance that works for me is something I have been trying to focus on recently. I find that when I am well rested and come to work, I am excited and ready for the workday and to face all the challenges that may come my way. On days that I am overwhelmed with my work load at home or at work, I am unable to eat healthy, and my sleep and mood are affected as well. It is a necessity to find techniques to increase productivity without sacrificing my health.
In order to create such a balance, an understanding of time management and the attempt to prioritize tasks are necessary. For individuals who work outside the home and have to manage home life, there are a few things to think about. What needs to be done immediately versus what can be postponed? If a certain task at work has a more immediate deadline, that should be the priority. If it can be finished later, it is wise to divide it into smaller chunks and do those on an ongoing basis until the entire task is completed. For example, when I wanted to clean out and organize all the supplies at work, I divided the task up so that I did 3 shelves at a time, until all 24 shelves were dusted and organized. At home, I organize my closets on an ongoing basis but only do a small portion at a time so it is not overwhelming.
When in doubt and over my head, I delegate! If a family member can do the laundry or dishes, I let them! Too many times I try to do it all because I think it is my job. Often times, I find that I just need to ask for help with a particular task. Everyone would like to help, they just need to be needed. At work, I am fortunate to have colleagues who are always willing to lend a hand if I ask. Having a supportive and collaborative staff at the workplace is definitely worth its weight in gold!
Proper nutrition is also an important aspect of my work/life balance. If I don't eat properly, I end up tired and cannot function well at home or at work. The book, I'm So Effing Tired by Amy Shah has tips on types of foods and drinks to avoid that actually create imbalance in the natural circadian rhythms of our bodies. She incorporates recipes in her book that contain nutrient and energy rich foods to help prevent burnout and exhaustion. It is also absolutely imperative to carve out time for relaxation and fun hobbies. After all, a healthy work/life balance means meeting deadlines at work while still having time for family, hobbies, and myself. I schedule in some downtime every day. Even if it is only an hour, I make time to unwind and relax. Often when I want to relax, I find my mind whirring with thoughts of things that need to be done at home or at work. I try to consciously put those thoughts aside and focus on what relaxes me. I love to read a good book at the end of a tiring day and get lost in the plot, the characters, and their stories. That is my "me" time, which is the perfect way to unwind. On the weekends, we might play board games together as a family. Sometimes enjoying family time is more important than doing a load or two of laundry.
Something I read in Parenting while Working from Home, by Shari Medini and Karissa Tunis, really struck a chord in me. They talk about something they call "monthly reflections", although many successful people actually perform this daily. It is all about taking the time to reflect on what is working and what needs to be changed in your life. If something that you are doing is not working well for your family, your health, or your career, it is time to identify it and correct it. You can also take the opportunity to appreciate the things that are going well and feel gratitude for them. This trains our brains to look for the bright side which, when done often, increases calmness and decreases anxiety. I practice what I call "the discipline of gratitude" (also the title of one of my past blog posts) in my daily routine. I make a point to think about and be grateful for the things that are going right in my life. This has definitely brought more positivity and peace into my personal and work life.
These tips helped me in creating an outline for what I hope will be a more balanced life. For more resources, check out these books and more at your local Mercer County Library branch!
The Inefficiency Assassin by Helene Segura
Manage Your Time to Reduce Your Stress by Rita Emmett
Advice for Working Moms by Harvard Business Review Press (HBR)
- by Kaneeze, Hightstown Branch
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