Reading Challenge 2025
Read a book....
1...Set in a foreign county
2...Already on your bookshelf (or to read list) waiting to be read
3...That was made into a movie or TV show
4...Has 500 or more pages
5...With a magical element
6... Is a Banned Book (as a librarian for a list or go to ALA’s Banned & Challenged Books page)
7...About sports
8...About current events
9...Won or was a finalist for a Pulitzer Prize
10...Purchased from a Friends of the Library book sale or sale cart
11...That you previously did not finish
12...That was published posthumously
13...Epistolary novel or collection of letters
14...Reread a book you read as a kid or teen
15...Has an element in the title (i.e. David Copperfield)
16...Takes place in Europe
17...By an author with a color as part of their name
18...Title begins with the letter I
19...An alternative history (fiction or non-fiction)
20...Set in spring
21...A holiday novel
22...A western
23...With cats or dogs featured
24...Takes place in California
Bonus prompt…By an author featured on our Behind the Books podcast
Visit our website for a list of the prompts to print or save. You’ll see social media posts about the challenge throughout the year – we’d love to hear your thoughts on the books you’ve discovered! There is also a Good Reads group to share your titles and reviews.
If you have the prompts but still aren’t sure where to start, library staff at all our branches are here to help! We provide readers’ advisory in person and through our Personalized Picks service. We also have online tools available to find titles for the Challenge and all your other reading needs. NoveList Plus is a great place to discover read-alikes for your favorite titles and authors; NextReads newsletters bring new and forthcoming titles, gems from the shelves, and sleepers right to your inbox.
- Andrea at Hopewell
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