Welcome to Spring!

Guess what! On February 2nd (Groundhog Day), Punxsutawney Phil once again appeared at sunrise at Gobbler's Knob in the Pennsylvania Wilds to make his annual prediction. Phil surveyed his surroundings and found no shadow, so an early spring it will be! Everything Spring / Esbaum, Jill. See, hear, and feel the warmth of springtime by reading and learning all about chicks, bunnies, and the other baby animals that come out to play in springtime. Are You R eady for Spring? / Anderson, Sheila. Rubber boots make a sound as they splash in mud puddles. Birds work in pairs to build nests. Dark rain clouds move in. Do you know what season it is? It is spring! Spring Surprises / Hays, Anna Jane. A rhyming tribute to the wonders brought by spring. Spring begins on March 20th, when day and night have equal hours. All over the world this Spring Equinox is a time to celebrate the rebirth of earth, when winter comes to an end and growing season begins again. For thousands of years, people in ma...