National Parks
National Parks Week is celebrated every year in April and this year’s week falls on April 16 through 24. While we may not spend a lot of time thinking about them, our national parks are a true treasure. I have had the pleasure of visiting a few national parks myself. In 2018, I took a trip with my family and visited the Grand Canyon in Arizona and Zion National Park in Utah. I didn’t know much about Zion before going and was amazed by its beauty. I treasure the memories from both of those parks! National parks are protected areas that are designated by acts of Congress. They are operated by the National Park Service, which is an agency of the Department of the Interior. Certain areas get chosen as national parks for a number of reasons. It could be their natural beauty (I’m looking at you, Zion!). It could also be for their unique ecosystems, wildlife, or geological features. These features can include forests, deserts, waterways, caves, and more. Some ar...