Dear Tech Guru

Dear Tech Guru, Recently a friend shared a tweet: There are two types of people. Those who delete the question mark and everything to the right of it in shared URLs and those who have no idea what I’m talking about. I’m one of those people who have no idea what the tweet is talking about. What is everything to the right of the question mark, and should I delete it? Signed, U__R__L__ Dear U__R__L__ Great question! Many of us know that a URL is a web address that will take us to a webpage. For example, if you type “” into a search browser’s address bar, it will take you to the library’s website. This simple URL is called a domain; everything after the domain is directions to the correct file or page on a website. Take, for example, this page with information on Women’s History Month programs - . Everything between the two forward slashes (/) tells the web browser which specific page to direct you to. If you wanted to sign up for one of tho...